Sunday, November 2, 2008

Senior Night

So this past foot ball game was senior night were I got escorted out on to the field with my mom and they annouced our name it was way fun! Then after wards as tradtion goes the underclassmen cheerleaders got us 6 seniors gifts: a cool scarf and a really nice picture frame with a team picture in it! I cant beileve that time goes by so fast! I am so happy that both of my parents have been so supportive over these past four years! Thanks mom and dad i love you both!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Ok so I have been slacking on updating lately, but I have not had anything exciting going on I do really really really exciting news! As some of you may know that now is the time that is the craziest for high school seniors...and i have been doing my best to get everything organized to apply to colleges well the very first one I applied to was NAU and that was my number one choice. Well after to long weeks I finally saw that...I got accecpted! I am so I cant wait to see where else I get into I will keep you all updated though!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Finally a Senior! I have finally satrted my senior year as of yesterday! I have totally easy classes! Get this 1: T.A with my Cheer Coach 2: A.P Government 3: TheaterIII 4: Work I get credit for leaving school early hahaha i love it! Anywasy that is just my first semester schedule I can not remember second! But i'll let ya'll know! But so far I am loving it and i feel totally awesome being a senior like the big dog on campus it feels so great! If ny of you ever felt a sense of entitlement then you know what i am feeling right now lol its fantastic! Also....i am now a red head and I actually like it So i might have found a keeper for my hair coloR

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not Captain

So...the team voted and I did not make captain....I was a little upset at first but now I am ok...because I know that I can still help the team achieve great things! Which is what I overall wanted for the team...I wish the best of luck to Hanna and Poey this year...and I'll do everything I can to help them.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Future Captains

Alright so in the next few days we will be voting on captains for our Varsity cheer squad this year. Since I was a freshman muself and my friend Poey have wanted to be captains...tonight or tommorrow evening we will find out! All my life I have wanted to be captain..and soon I will know if my dream will come true!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Church Prom/ Prom/ Random!

Okay so i have not updated in awhile! so here is me updaing. Not a lot has happended just prom church prom and school and work! Also my cheer banquet! I got the spit fire award-apparently i am sarcasyic! hahahahahahaha lol anyways.......sorry i havenot updated!

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My Montage 4/25/08

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.">How many have your name?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yup---I'm a singer!

Oka, so those of you who dont I have unveiled my hidden taent-singing!!!!! I sang the national anthem at one of myy school's basketball games!! Lets just say I sounded good but one half of the song sounded normal then it turned into sounding like a country song!!!!!! Anyways it was my nerves that got to me....Then at my churches New Beginnings I sang this song(only the Laurels) and most of it was just me singing.....I thought I did pretty darn good....except in the middle of the song I kinda forgot the words!!!!!! But thankfully Bro. Choa just kept playing that part over and over until Alena(thank you so much!!!!) help remind me....then I did good lol!!! I dont know what it is but my nerves get the best of me but who knowI coould be the next Talor Swift....hahahaha

Saturday, February 23, 2008

STATE CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so tonight we had the state playoffs for varsity boys basketball!!! And to much of a surprise and great rarity it was against our rivals-----the Agua Fria Owls(booooooooo!!!!) Anyways it was such an intense game, we even went into over time!!!! Then the clock ran out and the scoreboard read that Aqua Fria won by one point! However, it was a total foul so we got to soot two free throws! Trevor (#10) was under pressure the fate of the game rested on his shoulders then-----he made both baskets!!!!!!! Millennium (us we game against our rivals for the state time! It was the first time ever in the basketball area that we even made it to state!I am so proud of our boys.they did so amazing! And we (the cheerleaders) totally showed the Agua Fria cheerleaders up they totally suck! I just hope that tonights win will reflect and shine upon us next Saturday at our big state completion!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Okay so I am in Theater II right now in school. One of the requirmants for it is to be in a childrens theater production. I had an ok sized role. However I was like crying hysterically through the entire thing it was embarrasing but funny! So here is a picture of me and my friend Amanda from church in coustume!!! I WORE FAKE EYE LASHES!!!!!!

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My Montage 2/12/08

So the super bowl this year was like not even 20minutes away from our house. So....they had this thing called the NFL experience were we could go play games was so fun we did so many activities like we pretended to be sports broadcastersand we got to see "Tom Brady's" locker!!!!! Also, I put my feet in this mold of another famous football player, and it fit........yeah I have big feet lol!!!!!!! Then , my dad got to go to the super bowl and work there so he got in free, and there's a couple pictures from the super bowl !!!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

State competion

Okay, so like saturday the (Jan. 26th) we had this huge state competion. WE had to qualify for this, and we had not done that since my freshman year! I was so pumped!!!!! Then we went and we did what I thought an okay job, I mean pretty darn good!! We had amazing fans( who got kicked out for ripping off their shirts because they wrote: GO TIGERS! across their chests, we love you guys!!!) WE just had a pretty awesome day. So, awards come rolling around and we end up getting third in state for 4A1 varsity cheer-pretty darn amazing!! Then today we hear from the judges from AIA and they said that they calculated the scores wrong.......WE TIED FOR 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did better than third!! So I am so pumped and now have full bragging rights and the title of being a part of the second best varsity cheer team in the entire state of Arizona!!!! WOOT!!! GO MHS!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Formal!!!!!!!

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My Montage 1/27/08

This was such a fun night! These are pictures of me and my friends and my date lol!!! It was so much fun though!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Okay, picture this 12:30am I just got off of work, and I needed to fill up my tank. So I drove to the nearest gas station. I go inside to pay the people. So I say, "Can you put thirty on pump 3." Then something super werid happens. The guy at the said, "Oh, someone already paid for you." I was like, "Um, are you serious?" Then he responded, "Yeah, this guy said it was for you and then walked away." I was like oh my gosh....but hey I'll take it!!!!! It was so werid and totally freaky! But, it filled up the rest of my tank so I was pretty stoked. But I have no idea whom this guy was, but I'm kind of freaked (in a good way) but yeah! That was such an interesting event for me.